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My name is April, and I am a designer based in Boca Raton, FL. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, on the island of Martha's Vineyard. I have over 20 years of progressive experience. Over the years, I have held many titles in the design industry. With each opportunity, I was able to grow and improve my skills and add friends and colleagues to my network. I credit who I am as a designer today to my years of experience and all the talented people I have had the chance to collaborate with.

Interested in hearing more about my career story, click here. You will find out more details about where I started and the skills I learned along the way.

Short on time, I understand.


Hopefully, what I have written below will give you a clear idea of who I am and what kind of design partner I can be for your next project.

I am a creative and analytical person with an expansive imagination. I dream of idyllic places that someday I hope to visit. I enjoy creating stories and coming up with clever solutions. My style is simple and clean. I love taking simple things and creating eye-catching designs from them. I thrive on outdoor adventures and spur-of-the-moment decisions, but I am also realistic, practical, and logical to a fault. I enjoy organizing. There is a place for everything, and everything in it's place. I like spreadsheets and find satisfaction in a completed checklist. However, I have no problem making a mess when doing things that make me happy, like cooking for a friend or working on projects with the family. Although I seem to have a dichotomy in my personality, it has actually been a strength. My creative and meticulous traits intertwine in my design process, helping me offer imaginative, engaging and innovative solutions grounded in fundamental logic, which usually translates into cost saving solutions. An example of how my mind works on a personal level, I can enjoy running through an open field of flowers on a beautiful sunny day, but only if I have long pants and sunscreen (and a shirt and shoes, of course).

My ideal outcome for every project is to create a successful, functional, informative, and visually appealing design. I know that was a lot of words, but if you think about it, each one is critical to a successful piece. You could add other words, but I don't think there is one you should take away. Getting to an outcome like that requires understanding the elements and principles of form and design, color theory, and typography. The knowledge to use the correct tools and to execute the proper procedures. You also need to understand the who and why, which requires research. Following directions, meeting deadlines and working well with your partners are also important. Lastly, be willing to learn and take criticism. These are the foundations of a successful designer, independent of trends, technology, and the market. I believe I have a thorough understanding and knowledge of these foundational principles.


I am privileged to do what I love, being creative and serving good people.

I look forward to hearing from you. I will reply to all comments, suggestions, and opportunities. Please click the contact button below.


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